PassionSearch Reviews | Is It Real Or a Scam?

The main stand out of was the hotness of the girls on the site. This was the site we tested that had the most stunning girls of all. Because of that, they were a bit more picky than most and we didn’t have quite as much luck as the sites higher up the list. But this site is worth signing up to purely for the chance to date one of these girls. You can sign up here, get the photos and profile ready and send out a few messages. You won’t get much luck, but the girls that do respond are likely to be out of this world. The few girls we dated we not only hot, but a lot of fun as well. usa reviews

Our Favourite PassionSearch Strategies For Fast Hookups

The best strategy that we found worked on, was to make sure that we were getting out there and contacting the girls. Due to the general hotness of the women on the site, they didn’t have to do a lot of the chasing, so you really have to get out there and send the messages out. Even if your hit ration is not too high, it will be zero if you just sit on your ass. Therefore this is not a site for a guy who is not confident, for one, these type of girls will just laugh at an unconfident guy, or just ignore him, so the more ballsy you are the better. features
After testing for many months we decided to ranks this dating service #3. This website was really efficent. You should try PassionSearch

However, a word of caution. From talking to the girls we dated from this site, they said that a lot of guys were too forward and ballsy, trying to be cocky and presuming that the girls would go for it. They all preferred our approach, which was to go with the same type of message we would send to any girl on any of the sites. Keep it short, keep it funny, and above all, keep it charming. This is the way to win girls the world over, no matter how hot they are.

Women On Were They Pretty?

Yep. Simple as that. In fact, overall Passionsearch was a site for hot people (us included ;)). Most of the women that posted photos on the site ranged from pretty cute to super-hot. Though we always said to beware of any one who is too hot, because this sites average was ‘hot’, that rule did not really apply here. The few dates that we had from this site didn’t disappoint either. The girls we met added a good personality to their good looks and a number of them we continued to see for a few dates, while others we were upset didn’t want to continue with us. Either way, we met some great girls and this is definitely a site that, though you might not get a lot of interest, the interest you do get will be worth it. Test Results

The results from PassionSearch were:

  • Emails Sent: 180
  • Replies Received: 120
  • Dates: 12

So in the end we didn’t go on to many dates from Passionsearch, compared to other sites. But we weren’t too disappointed because the girls were so hot we were happy to go on the few dates we did have.Therefore this is a site for quality over quantity, which is really what you should be after. If you want to date hot girls, then PassionSearch is the site for you.


A lot of the girls were hot on, but you still have to be picky. We used their extensive search system to hone down the results for two specific things. One, we only wanted girls who were in our vicinity. This meant that we could actually date these girls if they replied, and made us more attractive to them, as they know that the online relationship could actually lead somewhere. Two, we tried to only message girls who were online when we were. This meant that we would be ahead of all the other guys in their inbox as they could actually chat to us right there and then. If we did that, then we would get their attention and be able to keep it, hopefully leveraging it into a real date.Using this search is definitely the way to get the most out of the site, and we would definitely recommend only contacting girls that are online and there right now, otherwise you will be up against a lot of competition in their inbox.

Top Feature

As we suggest, getting the attention of the women while they are online seemed imperative when it came to actually chatting with girls on PassionSearch. Therefore their mobile app came in really handy for us. It allowed us to be online almost constantly and get alerts whenever we got a message or someone we were interested in was also online. Then we could immediately get back to them and keep any conversation going. Another great part of this app was that you could browse for people around you when you were in different locations or out and about. This means that if you work in one area and live in another, you can look for girls in both. Or you can even browse for girls when you are out at night, wondering whether the girl across the room is also on the site. – Our Final Recommendation

This site is all about the hot women. You will not have as much success on this site as the others on this list, but we think it is worth signing up to and investing time in just for the chance to hook up with the cuties available on this site. Even if you only get one date you will not be disappointed. The addition of a mobile app so you can always be connected and always on the prowl also means that you can really use this site 24/7.