This was the best site we came across during our experiments in online dating. The site had exactly what we wanted, which was basically plenty of really hot women. It was also free of any type of scam and all the girls we came across were legitimate, and up for fun. If you are just starting out in inline dating, then this should be the first site that you sign up with.

Our Favourite Strategies
The thing we liked most with was that the women were not backwards in coming forwards. Not in a slutty or scammer way, but rather they just seemed interested in our profiles and messages and were always wanting more.
After testing for many months we decided to ranks this dating service #1. This website was really efficent. You should try Xpress
We found that the best thing to do on was to always make sure we got back to these girls as quickly as possible. We always presumed that they might also be doing this to other guys, so we made sure we were on the ball and got stuck into conversations as quickly as possible. This way we got things moving forward quickly and were able to set up dates quickly as well.
This was obviously the best thing to do on this site, and any site were the women were being bold. Most other guys on this site didn’t seem to bother with this, so were losing out on all these hot, brazen women. Of course, we also stuck to our own advice and contacted plenty of women first as well, but if any girl is confident enough to initiate the conversation, we thought she would probably be worth getting to know.
Women On
We found that the women that were using for dating were much hotter than the average girl you would find on a dating site. They weren’t 10s (remember, that is a sign of scammers), but they were still hotter than average, with a hell of a lot of 7s, 8s, and even the odd 9. We don’t know why hot women chose to gravitate towards this site (apart from the hot guys like us… ;)), but this was the sites stand out feature – the girls were great looking. Not only that, but the ones that we talked to, met and dated were all genuine, nice women just looking for fun dates to go out on.
Of course, because we were conducting an experiment on the site, we never took the relationships too far, choosing to try to maximize the number of dates we went on in lieu of getting to know any one girl well. But this really broke our hearts sometimes as there were women here that we were totally hooked on. Test Results
The results from Xpress were:
- Emails Sent: 180
- Replies Received: 147
- Dates: 21
Xpress was the site on which we had the most success, with the majority of emails eliciting a response, and a good proportion of those led on to dates. We felt that had we given more time to this site we could have got those numbers up even further, but as our attention was spread over 5 sites, we still came away with a reasonable number. Beat The System!
Because this site was unique in that the women were happy to make the first move, we found the best way to succeed on this site was to play along with that. Though we still did message girls that we ourselves like, we devoted a lot of time to just replying to messages from girls that had contacted us. This got us a lot of success. We put this down to most guys not being comfortable with being hit on and dithering in their response, or ignoring the girls completely.
We chose a different tack. Instead we were always ready to go whenever a girl contacted us, particularly the hot ones. We made sure to get a reply back as quickly as possible, ideally when she was still online. We knew that the chances were we were not the only guy that had caught her eye and that she would be emailing a number of guys at the same time. Therefore it was imperative to make sure we were the ones responding and getting the conversation going, hoping that eventually she would ignore all the others. This strategy definitely worked a lot and we were happy with our hit ratio on the site.
So if you are using this site, make sure that you respond promptly whenever one of the hot girls contacts you, be funny, be charming and confident, and you will easily be on your way to that first date.
Top Features
The best part of Xpress is that it is so easy to get started. A problem we found with nearly all the sites we tried was that it took forever to set up even the most basic profile. We always wanted to put as much information into our profiles as possible, so this time suck cost us a lot initially, and we can imagine that the sites that require a lengthy sign up process will turn most guys away. With, there is an initial, visually-guided set up process that can get you online and narrow down your criteria in only a few minutes. This means you can almost immediately start checking out the women on the site and honing your profile and messages to fit.
Another great feature was that, once you have got online quickly and set up your profile, you can then use their extensive search tools to narrow down the large pool of women to match exactly what you are looking for. We always suggest keeping the pool large to increase your overall chances of getting laid, but if you have something very specific in mind for dating, then this is a great way to find the girls around you that match up exactly to the woman of your dreams. – Our Recommendation
We have graded as our number one dating site for the best of all reasons: we dated a lot of hot women because of it. It is the main one that we continue to use, both meeting new people and staying in touch with the girls that we dated for the study (if they’ll have us back!).
It is the first site that you should sign up for when you are online dating, and shows why it makes sense to pay a bit more for more features and a better experience. The women on were hot, and were fun to be with, both online and in person. Though we always counsel caution when a women contacts you out of the blue, this is the site were that is the usual and it was a great experience.