You got the right sites, you got the right profile, you got the right messages, and now you are only moments away from getting the right girl. Our job is almost complete. But there is the final, and obviously biggest, hurdle still to overcome. You have to set up a date with the girl, finding the right place with the right ambience, and then close the deal (if you want to), and get her out of there and home with you, that night.

Where To Go
The first thing you need to do is decide the best venue for the date. Contrary to popular belief, the best place may not be a romantic candlelit dinner. That is a good place for subsequent dates, but this one is a bit more about spending a bit of time together and seeing if you click. Also, if nothing is going to happen, you’ll feel pretty stupid have dropped $200 for dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town. As this date is more about assessing each other and making sure the other is not a stalker or a psycho then just pick somewhere you can meet quietly and talk a bit.
For these reasons, we think the best place to choose is a lounge bar in the city you are both in. This is somewhere where you can sit quietly in a booth or at a table and just chat and get to know each other. You can also relax a bit at such a place and try to have an enjoyable time. Ideally, pick one you both know so that you are both relaxed and comfortable with your surroundings, and pick one that is not overcrowded so that you can actually find a table to sit at and talk. Also, a crowded place may a) have other people you know who will get in the way of the date, and b) have guys you do not know, trying to get in the way of the date. Have a drink or two together to relax, but not more. You may well want this date to end somewhere else so you do not want to get hammered. Being a drunk will be a major turn off for the girl and you are going to have trouble performing later in the night if you start slamming the Sambucas. Stay sober, or near enough so you can make good decisions.
Exit Strategy
And you will have to make a decision. A big one. Are you going to close that night, or try and get out of there on you own? Therefore you need two different strategies depending on how much you like the girl and how well the date is going. If you are not keen on the girl, then you should do the decent thing as soon as possible and say so. DO not try and drag it out and do not try and get an easy lay. That will just make you both feel bad. Thank her for the date, offer to pay for a taxi and leave it at that.
But if you do like her, then again take the lead and start to see how she feels. If it is reciprocated then suggest that you head out of there together, to either hers or yours depending on her preference. Don’t push it either way, and if she at any point starts to feel unsure, then don’t push, otherwise you will come across as creepy and that will immediately shut her down. But be charming, be confident and be smart. Pay the tab, order a taxi and get out of there together…